MISA Submissions on the Fourth version of the Draft Posts and Telecommunications Bill About MISA-Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe Chapter of MISA (MISA-Zimbabwe) is part of the larger, regional Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA). The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) is a nongovernmental organization with national chapters in 11 of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries. The regional body was officially launched in 1992 and focuses primarily on the need to promote free, independent and diverse pluralistic media, as envisaged in the 1991 Windhoek Declaration on Promoting Free and Independent Press. MISA-Zimbabwe has been in existence since 1995. Advancements in technology have expanded MISA-Zimbabwe’s work to include the protection and promotion of online rights such as the right to freedom of expression, access to information, and the right to privacy.