Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


2.8 All media fairly reflect the voices of society in its
ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and social diversity.
OMEC’s report, dated 12 April 2012, was able to highlight the dominance of
the presidential majority in the state media compared to the opposition. This
inequality manifests itself mainly in the realm of political subjects. The monitoring
conducted by OMEC for RTNC1 from 6 to 12 April 2012 revealed that the
various socio-professional sectors received 344 minutes or 5h44min airtime,
closely followed by officials who received 319 minutes or 5h19min airtime and
the presidential majority, which received 280 minutes or 4h40min, and lastly, the
political opposition, granted a total of 12 minutes airtime.
Among 15 articles on officials, the ACP did not publish one article on the
presidential majority nor the political opposition in reports issued between 6 and
12 April 2012. Other socio-political sectors were featured in 58 articles.
Overall, very few programmes are produced in the four big national languages,
which are Lingala, Swahili, Tshiluba and Kikongo. Only one programme in each
of these languages is broadcast twice a day. On the other hand, print media
published in national languages are non-existent. This is despite the existence
of about 450 ethnic groups that belong to the 4 major geo-linguistic groups
constituting the four major national language.
It is at the level of the community radios where the question of linguistic variety
is taken into account.
Around 450 ethnic groups can be found in the DRC, which are divided into four
(4) large geo-linguistic groups that cover four (4) big national languages.


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

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