2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies.
No legislation for or regulation of competition in the media sector exists. There are
indeed various media groups that undertake their activities without restrictions.
The RAGA Group, for example, has a number of radio and television channels
and it also maintains an Internet presence, the Le Potentiel Group (print media)
also has a radio (Radio 7) and Television (TV7) and an Internet presence, the same
applies to the Avenir, Palmarès and other groups.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent media
Article 17 of the 1996 Law stipulates that “the State may provide” support for
the media. However, the government has made no effort towards securing the
sustainability of media bodies. Every year, since 2007, it votes on a media support
budget, which in 2009 was increased from US$1 million to US$ 2 million without
ever being implemented: the money was never received; nobody knows where
the money goes and who spends it.
According to certain panellists, it has indeed happened that auditors thinking
that this support was paid out, approached the Congolese National Press Union
(UNPC) to request the receipt of the usage of the 2 million Dollars allocated in the
2008 budget, while the UNPC has not seen 1 Franc of this money.


AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo

Select target paragraph3