Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


1.2 The right to freedom of expression is practised and
citizens, including journalists, are asserting their rights
without fear.
Although the right to freedom of expression for journalists and citizens is exercised
in the Democratic Republic of Congo there are serious concerns on a number of
The head of a union, for example, had to flee his home in order to escape a
nightly visit because he had criticised the government programme.
Generally speaking, journalists are not afraid to write their articles but they are
always under pressure as there is a chance of reprisals. This is in particular the case
when it comes to certain sensitive information: Some sources of information are
difficult to access. There are journalists who believe that by verifying information
they expose themselves to serious danger.
A journalist who conducts an interview with a “rebel” military can immediately
be charged for complicity with the enemy on the basis of the Military Penal Code
for which he/she risks the death sentence.
This, albeit the fact that article 11 of the 1996 Law in substance provides that “a
journalist is free to access all sources of information except in cases provided for
by the law.”
These circumstances affect the freedom of journalists to work on subjects of their
choice. Furthermore, in order to handle information properly and professionally,
journalists need to be able to effectively access real sources of information.
However, journalists sometimes are afraid of probing sources further. The example
of a reporter, who was verifying information on military pay-outs and, who was
reprimanded comes to mind. Fear and concern prevail either because of the tight

AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo


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