Gabriel Ayité Baglo

Documents, legislation and reports consulted:

The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo adopted on 18
February 2006
2. Law no. 11/004 of 25 June 2011 on the duty on receivers of audiovisual
3. Law No.96-002 of 22 June 1996 sets out the modalities of how Freedom of
the Press is to be exercised
4. Organic law no. 11/001 of 10 January 2011 on the composition, attribution
and functioning of the High Council for Audiovisual and Communication
5. Ordinance law no. 81/012 of 2 April 1981 concerning the status of journalists
working in the Republic of Zaire.
6. Decree no. 09/62 of 3 December 2009 is the statute that established the
public institution referred to as Congolese National Radio and Television
(RadioTélévision Nationale Congolaise), its acronym being “RTNC”
7. The Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression of the ACHCR,
October 2002.
8. Extracts from the Congolese Penal Code to understand the legal texts on
freedom of the press in Congo. Panos: Paris
9. Extracts from the Congolese Military Penal Code. Ibid.
10. OMEC monitoring report March 2012
11. The collective agreement.
12. Congolese journalists’ Code of Ethics published by OMEC

AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER Democratic Republic of Congo


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