Developments since 2005 and the way forward
Positive developments in the last two years

The most notable developments occurred in the regulatory


The National Broadcasting Board (NBB), has advertised three
new national private radio licenses that are expected to be
awarded soon.


In October 2006, the proposed broadcasting policy for Botswana was tabled in Parliament, where it was debated at length
and later deferred indefinitely. In order to get the process
going again, MISA has organised a number of public relations
exercises such as breakfast meetings with members of


There has been some liberalisation of the communication
technology sector in the form of the award of service-neutral
licensing, which in turn is widely expected to accelerate the
merger of the regulators NBB and the Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA). It will also allow for the production of
more local content and increased accessibility of the mass


The government ban on advertising in the various private news
papers has been relaxed or lifted altogether.


The establishment of the Press Council of Botswana (PCB) has
had a positive impact. Now most newspapers report more
carefully, ethically and sensitively. There has also been a drop
in the number of lawsuits – partly because some people
now complain to the PCB instead of running to the courts
every time they feel maligned by the press.

African Media Barometer - Botswana 2007


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