the hook. The NBB and PCB need to sit down together and develop
clear procedures for cooperation between them to avoid having
some cases fall through the cracks.
The PCB’s code of ethics is readily available and has been recognised
or adopted by most media houses in the country. Most major media players are members. Newspapers use the PCB logo to indicate
that fact and familiarise readers with the body. They also publish
its complaints procedures and contact details. Most radio stations,
however, do not provide such information.
Individual scores:

3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3

Average score:



(2005 = 3.6)

The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of
accuracy and fairness.

The standard of reporting has deteriorated over the last two years.
There are too many and frequent mistakes occurring in the Botswana media without anybody seeming to be doing much about it.
There is also a lot of speculation and sensationalism in certain sections of the local press – especially in headlines. Generally too little
effort is made to get the other side of the story. Proper analysis,
investigative reporting and in-depth coverage of issues of national
importance are lacking.
The increase in the number of newspapers is spreading talent more
and more thinly. Journalists are highly mobile and there is a high
turnover of staff in most media houses. Many lack both training and
work experience.

African Media Barometer - Botswana 2007

Select target paragraph3