
The proliferation of ‘fake news’ which has undercut the very basis of genuine
news houses’ integrity to some degree.


The absence of transparency with regard to the decision by DStv not to
renew Afro Worldview’s (the channel that took over from the Gupta-linked
ANN7) licence in August 2018 after its contractual term had ended.


The ongoing lack of safety for journalists.


The lack of organisation among journalists in terms of unions.


Despite having a new board, the SABC is in the ‘red’ and on its knees

The panel discussion took place at Magaliesburg, Rustenburg on 14-16
September 2018.



What kinds of activities are needed over the next
three to four years?

Getting issues of convergence regarding telecommunications and
broadcasting regulated under one department and not two, ‘or we’ll go
backwards’. It was noted that with a new president in power and a new
communications minister, the opportunity was ripe to lobby for these
departments to be reunited. [Organisations responsible: SOS/MMA.]


Repealing of criminal defamation law. [Organisation responsible: FXI to start
the process.]


Strengthening the accountability of Chapter 9 institutions, such as ICASA,
to enable it to fulfil its role of monitoring and enforcing broadcasting licence
stipulations. [Organisations responsible: SOS/MMA.]


Research to be conducted on the economics of the media with a view to
finding alternative models dealing with sustainability imperatives. Proper
readership/viewership studies need to be done to determine how people
are accessing their news, with young people’s concerns being included.
[Organisations responsible: MDDA/Sanef, the latter which has already
submitted a funding proposal to conduct research into media economics.]


Select target paragraph3