Mention was made of ANN7 having broadcast images of the Glebelands
residents, without blurring out their faces, at an event where a hostel attack took
place in 2014. ANN7 was forced by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission
of South Africa (BCCSA) to apologise to the community and to admit its gross
negligence in the matter.
It was also felt that the media sometimes portrayed what mattered most to
them, with bias affecting fairness and accuracy. ‘One person dies in a middleclass neighbourhood and it’s reported, but seven people die in a township, like
[what] happened in Mamelodi, and there were no reports. Afrikaans newspapers
are particularly bad in this regard, their ideology comes through.’
Journalists were described in general as working ‘to protect the domain of the
media owner and the elite – the means of production’.
Journalists were also accused of generally not speaking to a wide enough variety
of sources and relying too much on leaked information. ‘This does affect the
audiences’ trust.’
‘I tend to believe in the cock-up, not the conspiracy, theory. The media does fail
in terms of fairness and accuracy at times because it is obviously working under
severe economic constraints. We don’t have the staff, training courses, [or] even
the sub-editors we used to have.’
Some publications were noted for having ‘no go’ areas, such as negative stories
about China for Independent News & Media, which is co-owned by blackowned investment group Sekunjalo Media Consortium (55%), as well as the
Government Employees Pension Fund through the Public Investment Corporation
of South Africa (25%) and a Chinese media consortium (20%). Sekunjalo owned
20 national newspapers as well as the news website, Independent Online, and
some print magazines.
Commercial mainstream media was seen as being unable to afford to fund
investigative journalism, which was sometimes paid for by NGOs.
It was felt that, while there was a considerable focus on violence across the media,
‘the media did have a heart’ as shown by the outpouring of grief that followed the
coverage of the September 2018 deaths of three firemen on duty in Johannesburg.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








4.3 (2013: 3.8; 2010: 3.0; 2008: 2.9; 2006: 2.8)


Select target paragraph3