Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








1.8 (2013: 1.9; 2010: 2.2; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

3.7 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse
programming formats for all interests, including
local content and quality public interest
Panellists felt that in terms of diverse formats and range of content, SABC radio
provided ‘much more relevant and more local content than television’, while
across the board the SABC’s programming was ‘not as good as possible’. It was
noted that people might not be paying their TV licences because of the poor
quality of the content.
‘DStv [at more than 900 ZAR (62 USD) a month for the full bouquet] is much
more expensive than the SABC [265 ZAR (18 USD) for an annual SABC TV licence]
but nearly 7 million households pay those fees to MultiChoice.’
It was noted that some people do not pay their SABC licence fees because they
will not get cut off for defaulting on the payment. It was also stated that DStv
has many more channels, making it a more attractive option in terms of choice.
Although SABC radio stations do offer a considerable amount of choice when it
comes to content, with a broad range of topics covered in the country’s official
According to a panellist, research conducted by the Media Policy and Democracy
Project (a project of the University of South Africa and the University of
Johannesburg) showed that the perception of the SABC’s content was that
it was a considerable improvement for black people, compared to what was
previously available under apartheid South Africa when it was the mouthpiece
of the Nationalist Party state. The content could, however, still be more diverse.
It was also noted that the ‘whole political and economic landscape determines
the formats’.
However, ‘SABC TV has been sneaking about when it comes to enacting the
local content requirements, by broadcasting old content through repeats of local
programmes across the three TV stations.’



Select target paragraph3