matters, while cultural reporting took more of a back seat. Thus, it was felt that
the media did not provide an accurate reflection of South African society.
‘Coverage tends to differ depending on the type of newspaper or media. Because
there are a wide diversity of media platforms, some of these outlets deal only
with certain aspects of South African life.’
In terms of investigative journalism, praise was heaped on the work being done
by the Daily Maverick’s Scorpio division, amaBhungane, the Mail & Guardian and
‘They do national investigative work very well and demonstrate a sophistication
within the South African media, particularly in relation to issues of corruption –
but local government investigative journalism is not being done.’
Most media newsrooms, community media included, did not have the capacity
for a full-time investigative desk, but whether this was a question of human
resources, capital or the will to do it was unclear.
It was noted that some investigative work was coming from the non-commercial
media and was being funded by corporates. ‘The problem here is obvious: the
corporates can then dictate what type of reporting will be done and clearly they
don’t want to be investigated themselves.’
It was pointed out, however, that amaBhungane does not take funding from
corporate entities or from government to conduct its research.
‘The economic consequences of exposing corporate fraud and the possible
litigation involved or the impact on advertising mean this can be prohibitive.
State corruption offers “low-hanging fruit” to journalists and it involves public
funds, which is why it is a priority focus.’
One panellist felt that the media should be more accountable to civil society and
should go back to society to hear how they are received and what they could be
doing better.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.8 (2013: 2.8; 2010: 2.7; 2008: 3.2; 2006: 3.2)


Select target paragraph3