Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








3.0 (2013: 2.2; 2010: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies
There are some active attempts by the Competition Commission through general
competition law to ensure that there are no monopolies across media ownership.
This is not specific to media but addresses market concentration across all sectors
of business in South Africa.
The Competition Commission ruled in February 2018 that Independent Media
and Caxton & CPT Publishers and Printers were guilty of price fixing in terms of
colluding on advertising discounts.
‘It takes a very long time for the Competition Commission to act as it is very underresourced and there is so much cartel-like behaviour across many industries.’
The Electronic Communications Act, which regulates ownership and control in
broadcasting, does restrict one owner from having two free-to-air commercial TV
stations, although one owner may own two radio stations, but not in overlapping
coverage areas.
There is legal provision in the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act, which
prohibits the cross-ownership of broadcasting and print interests in the same
area as a means of limiting media monopolies.
‘Cross-media controls don’t look at the online environment in South Africa at
all, and none of these provisions apply to subscription television. MultiChoice,
through DStv, has a very powerful monopoly in South Africa – it is in 7 million
households in the country out of 12 million – and it circumvents the legislation
with regard to broadcasting because it is subscription-based.’
It was noted that the dominance of subscription or pay-TV puts free-to-air
and the SABC channels at a disadvantage. DStv has a phenomenal reach with
which to gain the bulk of the broadcasting advertising revenue, and in addition
has a significant source of income through its subscriber base.



Select target paragraph3