Making southern Africa a more conducive
environment for media freedom
Over the past 21 years, the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has been the primary advocate for
media freedom and freedom of expression in southern Africa, issuing alerts on media freedom violations,
condemnations of killings, assaults, criminal charges
and other forms of unjustified attacks on journalists,
including restrictions on access to information.
We have a presence in 11 countries across southern
Africa and participate in a range of continental and
international fora, projects and actions to advance
media freedom and freedom of expression across
the continent.
MISA’s work focuses on making sustainable, lasting
changes to the media landscape in the southern Africa region that will make our countries safer places
for journalists to work and more conducive for media
freedom and freedom of expression.
Our activities include:

Advocating for changes to restrictive laws


Advocating for development of positive legislation, such as access to information laws;


Researching and publishing reports on media violations and the state of the media environment
in southern African countries; and



Supporting greater professionalism among journalists by building capacity through training,
workshops, seminars and other educational
platforms and by producing research and information resources.

MISA’s mission is to create an environment of media
freedom and free expression, promoting independence, pluralism and diversity of views and opinions,
media sustainability, competency and professionalism in the southern African region. We aim to create
an environment where civil society can exercise their
rights to access information, making citizens more informed and strengthening democracy. MISA will ensure that gender-specific needs form an integral part
of all its activities.
MISA will lobby for promotion and protection of media freedom and free expression and will strengthen
and support the development of a vibrant, professional and participatory media sector as an essential part of the deepening of democracy in southern

MISA’s vision is of a southern African where media
enjoy freedom of expression, pluralism of views and
opinions and independence from political, economic
and commercial interests. Our vision is of a region
where members of society, individually or collectively,
are free to express themselves through any media of
their choice without hindrance of any kind. A region,
too, where access to information is unhindered and
information is readily available.
The MISA vision is:

A media that is free, independent, diverse and


Access to the media and information by all sectors of society.


Media workers who are competent, critical, accountable, sensitive to gender issues and aware
of their responsibility to society.


Legislation, regulations and policy environments
that support media independence, diversity and


Citizens in the SADC region that are empowered
to claim information as a basic right.

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