Supporting community broadcasters

During the period under review, MISA Zimbabwe
assisted community radio stations to produce prerecorded community radio broadcasts to build their
capacity and advance the campaign for licensing
community radio stations in Zimbabwe. MISA Zimbabwe noted a marked improvement in the overall
production of the programmes from the selection
of topics, structuring of the programmes and how
discussions and interviews were handled.

Media ethics workshop

World Press Freedom Day march, held by MISA Zimbabwe on
3 May 2013. Photo: MISA Zimbabwe images, 2013.


ISA Zimbabwe’s 2013 programme was
largely influenced and informed by the
endorsement of the Draft Constitution
by the Zimbabwean Parliament following
the majority ‘Yes Vote’ in the referendum held on
16 March 2013, and the subsequent signing of the
draft into law by President Robert Mugabe.
The Chapter intensified its calls for the repeal of
laws that impinge on media freedom, freedom of
expression and citizens’ right to access to information in line with the Constitution. Some of MISA
Zimbabwe’s activities around this included the following.

Calling for better legislation
MISA Zimbabwe produced fact sheets on regional
and international instruments on citizens’ right to
freedom of expression and access to information
as a lobby tool for the repeal of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other
offending laws. The Chapter continued to educate
citizens on their right to access to information,
holding regular meetings across the country.

On 22 June 2013, MISA Zimbabwe held a media
ethics workshop focusing on how journalists should
report and cover the national elections scheduled
for 31 July 2013.
The workshop was facilitated by veteran journalist
and editor of the Zimbabwe Independent Dumisani Muleya. Thirty-three people from various media organisations across Zimbabwe attended the
workshops, which focused on developing skills and
knowledge on how to report on elections in a way
that fosters democracy. It was recognised that media play an important role in information dissemination, and as such journalists should understand the
environment in which they operate, the legislation
and regional and international benchmarks on election coverage. Journalists were acquainted with the
SADC Guidelines on Media Coverage of Elections
as well as safety and security tips.

Annual Media Freedom Awards
On 29 June 2013, MISA Zimbabwe awarded its
2013 Media Freedom Award to John Masuku, a
veteran journalist with Radio Voice of the People
(VoP). The radio station was bombed in 2002 and
its perpetrators are yet to be brought to justice.
The award was given to Masuku in recognition of
his immense contribution to the struggle for media
freedom, access to information and freedom of expression.

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