ship publications and a valuable resource on media
freedom in southern Africa for activists, students,
journalists, academics, policy makers and members of the public around the world.

The African Media Barometer

The African Media Barometer (AMB) is an in-depth
and comprehensive description and measurement
system for national media environments on the African continent. Unlike other press surveys or media indices, the AMB is a self-assessment exercise
based on home-grown criteria derived from African
Protocols and Declarations like the Declaration
of Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa
(2002) by the ACHPR.
The instrument was jointly developed by fesmedia
Africa, the Media Project of the Friedrich-EbertStiftung (FES) in Africa, and MISA in 2004 and is an
analytical exercise to measure the media situation
in a given country, which also serves as a practical
lobbying tool for media reform.


In 2013, MISA and FES partnered to conduct AMBs
in Zambia and South Africa. The results of each
study were presented to their publics to push for
an improvement of the media situation using the
African Union Declaration and other African standards as benchmarks. MISA and its Chapter offices
and representatives in Zambia and South Africa are
integrating the recommendations of these studies
into our advocacy efforts.

Freedom of expression in
cyberspace: assessing the
relationship between human
rights, privacy laws and
In 2013, MISA partnered with Privacy International
– a UK-based organisation dealing with privacy and
surveillance issues – to conduct a survey on freedom of expression in cyberspace to explore how
aware journalists and bloggers are of the risks and
threats they face when using digital and mobile

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