Developments since 2007 and the way
Positive developments in the media environment:

Launch of the Independent Media Council as a self-regulatory body


Launch of Article 29 Coalition, a new lobby group formed by the most
important media bodies


Growth in number of media outlets both print and electronic


Increasing Internet penetration


Sale of 27 per cent of previously state-owned shares in The Vision Group
on the stock market


Efforts by the media industry to reach many more areas by opening more
distribution outlets as the national road network improves


Resilience of the media industry and journalists despite political and
economic pressures


The courts’ willingness to hear cases challenging sedition, criminal
defamation, promotion of sectarianism laws – all impinging free expression

Negative developments in the media environment:

Narrowing of space: September 2009 riots leading to banning of ebimeeza
(outside broadcast talk shows), closure of some radio stations, of which one
– Central Broadcasting Service – remains closed five months on


Planned amendments to the Press and Journalist Act to introduce, for
example, the annual licensing of newspapers


Tabling of The Regulation of Interception of Communications Bill, 2007
in parliament


Media concentration, especially by the Vision Group (New Vision)


Many media owners not defending media freedom



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