Political context and key events
Zimbabwe held its harmonised elections on 23 -24 August 2023.
The SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections outlines, among
other principles, the need for member states to promote the necessary conditions to
foster transparency, freedom of the media, access to information by all citizens, and equal
opportunities for all candidates and political parties to use the State media.
In Zimbabwe, freedom of the media is protected by Section 61, which also stresses that
freedom of expression and the media excludes, among others, incitement to violence,
advocacy of hatred or hate speech.
The right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media should also be read in tandem
with Section 62 on access to information, which states that the media has the right to access
information held by the State or by any institution or agency of government at every level.
This right is guaranteed as far as the information is required in the interests of public
accountability or the exercise or protection of a right.
Thus, a free and unhindered media plays a critical role in disseminating information that
triggers citizen participation in governance issues, enabling informed choices and decisions
on issues that affect their daily lives.
Election periods thus thrust immense responsibility on the media to provide the public with
accurate information that will enable the electorate to make informed decisions and choices
when they eventually cast their votes.
Section 160G (1) of the Electoral Act states that public broadcasters shall afford all political
parties and independent candidates contesting an election free access to their broadcasting
services as prescribed.
Section 160 further says a broadcaster or print publisher shall not be obliged, subject to
Section 160G, to publish any advertisement by or on behalf of a political party or candidate
contesting an election, but if the broadcaster or publisher is prepared to publish any such
advertisement—The broadcaster shall offer the same terms and conditions of publication,
without discrimination, to all the political parties and candidates contesting the election.
In that regard, and in line with our 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan, mission, vision, and values, the
bulk of our programming and activities in 2023 were thus deliberately framed and devised
to secure a conducive media operating environment that enhances citizens’ access to vital
electoral-related information.

Media environment
Historically, Zimbabwe’s elections have generally been marred by increased media freedom
violations, contributing to the country’s poor World Press Freedom Index rankings over the

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