State of the media report July - Dec 2022
Environment for Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression
Year in year out, MISA Zambia compiles reports which impact media freedom and freedom of
expression positively or negatively. These reports are captured from newspapers, radio, Television
stations and social media platforms it has created. Each report is verified before it is published
and stored in a database. Therefore, in the year 2022, MISA Zambia recorded a total of 92 media
freedom and freedom of expression reports from the stated sources. From the 92 cases, majority
were positive developments standing at 68 cases. This means 24 cases in the year under review had
an impact on media freedom and subsequently freedom of expression.
Topping the categories of violations that impacted the stated freedoms are “threats” with 7 cases
and cases on censorship equally standing at 7. Some of the cases that threatened media freedom and
freedom of expression include a threat issued on CITY TV reporter, Mr Wellington Chanda by the
Kasama District Commissioner (DC) and some Provincial Youth leaders from the United Party for
National Development.
Another case that threatened media freedom involved Former Health Minister whose lawyers wrote
to News Diggers demanding for an immediate retraction and an apology for an article published in
the newspaper.
On a sad note, during the period under review, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) in 2022
introduced a 16 percent Value Added Tax on Booklets and Newspapers effective January 1, 2022.
In a notice, the authority indicated that booklets and newspapers had been removed from the list of
exempt items pursuant to the Value-Added Tay (Exemption) (Amendment. Order, No. 105 of 2021).
The introduction of tax on the booklets possesses a huge challenge on the press, which is already
fighting for financial stability.
A journalist from SUN FM/TV in Mongu district of Western province was harassed and barred from
covering the president at the presidential dinner during the Western province Expo.
In the same vein, another journalist working for KNC Media Communication and based in Luano
district of Central Province was attacked by some alleged United Party for National DevelopmentUPND carders.
When it came to cases of censorship, MISA Zambia recorded 7 cases, followed by defamation cases
(5) and assaulted cases standing at 3. Among journalists that were assaulted include Diamond TV
Journalist, Charlotte Sichunda who was assaulted by irate bus operators at Mulungushi Bus Station
in Ndola. Another assault case was for a Chipata based Journalist Dockiso Shadreck Zulu from
3FM Radio Station who was harassed, assaulted and threatened by some suspected United Party
for National Development UPND Cadres in Chipata district of Eastern Province while on his way
home from work. The third one involved Petauke journalist, Lovemore Phiri of Pasme Radio who
was beaten by suspected UPND cadres during a breakfast show where callers were calling in on a
topic of fertilizer distribution.
The year 2022 recorded two (2) victory cases; the abolishment of Death Penalty and Defamation
of the President provisions in the Penal Code by Republican President His Excellency Hakainde
Hichilema. The President assented to the Penal Code Amendment Bill Number 25 of 2022 that has
abolished the imposition of the death penalty. Another victory involved Zambia Police Services
recovering equipment lost by Muvi TV in a theft that occurred on 16 December 2022. According
to a report by ZNBC of 18 December 2022, five people including two security guards had been
arrested in connection with a break in and theft at MUVI Television in Lusaka. Zambia Police
Deputy Spokesperson DANNY MWALE confirmed the development to ZNBC news in an interview
and said some stolen items had also been recovered. Unknown people stormed MUVI TV station


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