State of the media report July - Dec 2022
government or other powerful institutions. Therefore, it is important to address the ethical
challenges that journalists face, including the need for stronger codes of ethics and improved
mechanisms for accountability.
The challenges faced by journalists in Zambia are complex and multifaceted. While political and state
interests may not be the primary concern for many journalists, the ethical considerations highlighted
by the respondents remain significant obstacles to press freedom. Addressing these issues requires a
comprehensive approach that addresses both the systemic and ethical challenges facing the media in
Zambia. By doing so, we can ensure that journalists are able to do their work freely, and that press
freedom is protected and upheld as a fundamental pillar of democracy.
2. Communication and Procedure: It was observed that the journalists who did not provide
IDs to the police were not formally communicated to regarding their detention. This raises
concerns about the communication and procedures followed by the police during detentions.
It highlights the need for clear and consistent procedures for police to follow when detaining
journalists, including proper communication with the detained journalist and timely notification to their employers and legal representatives.
3. Previous Experience: Three out of seven journalists had covered similar incidents but were
not detained. This suggests that police behavior towards journalists may be inconsistent and
arbitrary, and underscores the need for better training and guidelines for law enforcement officials. It also highlights the importance of documenting and reporting incidents of police interference with journalists, to identify patterns and hold police accountable for their actions.
3. Collaboration between Police and Journalists: This was a common voice among the respondents. The alluded that police should work better with journalists, give them space, acquaint themselves with how the media operates, and work side by side with journalists. This
suggests that there is a need for better collaboration and understanding between police and
journalists, which can help to prevent incidents of interference and promote greater respect
for press freedom. It underscores the importance of training for both police and journalists,
to improve communication, mutual understanding, and respect for each other’s roles and
4. Knowledge of Law: Only one out of the seven journalists was aware of the law that protects
journalists, indicating a lack of knowledge and awareness among the journalists about their
rights and the laws that protect them. This suggests a need for more education and training
among journalists about their legal rights and protections.
5. Detention Reasons: Five of the journalists were detained for “unlawful assembly” while
covering a protest. This raises questions about the police’s understanding and respect for
press freedom, as journalists have the right to cover protests and events of public interest
without being subject to detention. The fact that two of the journalists were detained for “obstruction of the police” also raises concerns about the arbitrary nature of police actions and
the need for clear guidelines and training for law enforcement officials.
6. Complaints and Redress: None of the journalists reported the police behavior to seek redress. This indicates a lack of trust in the justice system or a fear of retaliation, which can
discourage journalists from reporting on sensitive issues and ultimately undermine press
freedom. It also highlights the need for better mechanisms to report police misconduct and
protect journalists from retaliation for reporting on sensitive issues.
7. Experience of Journalists: The highest number of years of experience in the media industry among those who faced police detention was 15 years and the lowest was 1 year. This


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