State of the media report July - Dec 2022
Radio Pasme Case

Sadly on 4th November, 2022, MISA yet again through its Eastern Province Monitor, received an
alert that PASME Radio station in Petauke District of Eastern Province was attacked by suspected
United Party for National Development (UPND) Cadres.
The attacks came in the early hours of Friday, 4th November, 2022. It is alleged that suspected
UPND cadres stormed PASME radio and interrupted a live programme that was discussing Farmers
preparedness for the 2022/23 faming season.
The cadres who forced their way into the on-air studio beat up Mr. Lovemore Phiri, who happens to
be a reporter and presenter at the radio station and further, caused damage to the studio equipment
leading to the radio station going off-air.
As if that was not enough, around 08:15hrs another group of suspected UPND cadres drove into the
radio station in a GRZ Land Cruiser and chased after Mr. Phiri who had to run away upon seeing
the vehicle driving into the radio station premises. The cadres managed to catch Mr. Phiri in Anusa
a nearby compound and beat him in addition to threatening to kill him. Mr. Phiri, was rescued by
members of the community who rushed to the scene.
Following this attack MISA and Internews team comprised of Michael Njobvu and Meck Phiri
conducted a solidarity visit to PASME Radio. During the visit, the team engaged with the victim
Mr. Lovemore Phiri and the Station Manager Thokozile Phiri who shared what happened. In the
discussion Mr. Lovemore said the case was reported to the Police and a docket was opened. It is
alleged that the people that beat Mr. Phiri were more than 15 with only one person reported arrested
so far. He said there has not been any further update from the Police CIO following the arrest of one
suspect. It was also rumored that the arrested suspect was released.

Left to right, Mr. Austin Kayanda MISA Zambia National Director: Nchimunya Chilwalo- Station Manager
Administration Mafken Radio: Jane Chirwa -Programmes Manager MISA: Precious Mwanza -Station
Manager Operations Mafken Radio.


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