Assembly”. The parliamentary committee on communications advertises for
nominations, examines the nominations in terms of the necessary skills and
representivity, shortlists these candidates for public interviews, and then submits
a final list to parliament for ratification. This process happens before the list of
nominees is submitted to the president for appointment.
Although the board is legally accountable to the public through parliament,
government and ICASA, many panellists felt that the law, while good on paper,
was being subverted by the ruling party. ANC-lackeys, rather than people
particularly skilled in broadcasting and with public service in mind, were appointed
as executive members of the board with ministerial interference. In addition, they
felt that Parliament was not doing its duty in terms of acting as an oversight body
for the Board and the Corporation.
In 2011 the “SOS: Support Public Broadcasting Coalition” began lobbying
government to review the public broadcasting policy. This was after the
controversial Public Service Broadcasting Bill was withdrawn (see indicator 1:10).
The Coalition also made submissions to the Constitutional Review Committee,
which included the proposal to make the SABC a Chapter 9 institution in order to
protect its independence from political pressure.
“As long as the SABC is controlled by Parliament, which is dominated by the
ruling ANC, it will be controlled by the ANC, like all parastatals. Until the political
will and integrity of the legislation are respected, we won’t be able to solve the
problems at the SABC. Parliament is letting down the nation badly as it has
failed to hold the corporation to account, financially or in terms of an effective
turnaround strategy.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.1 (2010: 3.1; 2008: 2.9; 2006: 4.6)

Select target paragraph3