biased news and current-affairs shows as a result of the blacklisting, ICASA
dismissed the complaint, claiming it did not have jurisdiction over an SABC “internal
journalistic matter”. In 2011 the High Court ruled that ICASA’s interpretation of its
jurisdiction was flawed and it must reconsider the matter.
The precursor to ICASA, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), had a more
legitimate status. Currently ICASA board members must be publicly nominated and
parliament must shortlist the candidates. Currently the Minister of Communications,
and not the president, appoints the board members, based on the shortlist.
“We have the constitutional protection for an independent, regulatory body for
broadcasting, but we don’t have the political will for it to be genuinely independent.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.4 (2010: 2.9; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

3.3 The body, which regulates broadcasting services
and licences, does so in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.
ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) is generally seen
to be capable in the allocation of public, commercial and community radio and
television licences and this is considered to be a transparent process. There are
very few districts in the country without a radio or television station. In the runup to the launch of digital terrestrial television in South Africa by June 2015,
ICASA has imposed a temporary moratorium on allocating community television
ICASA does not fulfil its role as a monitor of local content on public, commercial
or community broadcast stations, to see if the stations are adhering to their
licence conditions. The routine reason given for this is the lack of capacity. As a
result, the regulator is not in a position to ensure that broadcasters disseminate a
diversity of views that broadly represent the public at large.



Select target paragraph3