Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.2 (2010: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2006: n/a)

2.4 Transparency of ownership of media houses in
print/broadcasting is guaranteed by law and enforced.
Under the Electronic Communications Act’s broadcasting licence regulations,26
broadcasters are required to be open and transparent about their ownership.
This is guaranteed by law and enforced through the regulator, the Independent
Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). However, in terms of print
media, discerning ownership is not at all transparent.
Mention was made of Print Media South Africa (now the Print and Digital Media
South Africa, or PDMSA) coming under pressure from the government to regulate
the sector better for this lack of transparency.
PDMSA is a non-profit, voluntary association that brings together members of
the print and digital media in South Africa. Its members include the Times Media
Group, Caxton & CTP, Independent Newspapers, Media24, the M&G Media and
the Association of Independent Publishers.
The recent buy-out of the Independent Newspaper Group by a consortium called
Sekunjalo Independent Media (SIM) is a case in point when it comes to the lack
of transparency of print media owners. At the time of the AMB, panellists did not
know who or what Sekunjalo represented but there were many rumours relating
to politically connected individuals and companies, as well as part-ownership by
a labour union.27
While all take-overs and mergers are checked by the Competition Commission,
which looks at any possible cross-ownership as well as whom the shareholders
are, this information is not revealed to the public. The Competition Commission
looks at it purely from a concentration point of view and not in relation to political
26 South Africa. Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 25 of 2002.
27 In June 2013, Sekunjalo Independent Media revealed a list of its shareholders.



Select target paragraph3