Malawi 2015 violations & victories
January 23

Mulanje Police Public Relations
Officer James Kadadzera ordered
reporters from private media
houses not to take pictures of First
Lady Gertrude Mutharika. The
First Lady was the guest of honour
at a function organized by Plan
International at Mthuruwe Primary
School in the area of Traditional
Authority Mkanda in Mulanje,
denied barring reporters from
taking pictures saying he wanted
people to have identification cards
before attedningthe function. MISA
Malawi condemned the action of
the Police and appealed to law
enforcers to respect journalists.


Government backtracked on its
promise to table the much awaited
Bill on Access to Information
during the February-March sitting
of Parliament despite promising
Malawians that it would be tabled.

November 17

Cabinet rejected the draft Access to
Information Bill and sent it to the
Cabinet Committee on Legal and
Constitutional Affairs for review.
During a meeting with MISA
Malawi, Minister of Information,
Tourism and Civic Education Jappie
Mhango confirmed the meeting
and rejection of the bill by Cabinet.
Cabinet claimed that the bill is
filled with inconsistencies.

September 28

The Balaka Magistrates Court convicted a 60 year old man, Alinafe
Paulo, of Traditional Authority
Nsamala in the district and fined
him MK3,000 (about $5) or serve
three months imprisonment with
hard labor for insulting the President. Paulo was arrested based
on Section 181 of the Penal Code
and charged with conduct likely to
cause breach of peace.

October 8

President Arthur Peter Mutharika
labeled the media as ‘liars, irresponsible, and agents of the opposition,’ for criticizing his trip to the
United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA) in New York. The media
questioned Mutharika’s entourage,
hiring of a private jet and the level
of expenditure incurred during the
trip in the wake of economic problems prevailing in the country. The
president also asked for an apology from some media houses over
stories on the trip and fell short of
specifying what action he would
take should the apologies not
come forward.

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