
What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?
Positive Developments

A section of the penal code has been scrapped, thus doing away with
criminal defamation.


The adoption of social media as platforms for deliberation and sources of


Lesotho now has a printing press – a first for the country. This has lessened
the stress of paying the huge customs fees associated with printing outside
the country (specifically in South Africa).


Media diversity has increased. Three community radio stations have opened
since the last AMB in 2015. Two newspapers have entered the market, The
Nation and Newsday.


There has been a significant increase in the number of qualified journalists.


There is increased tolerance in the public/state media, especially on radio.
Critics, the opposition and CSOs are now interviewed.

Negative Developments



The Media Policy has still not been adopted.


In the last three years, media sensationalism has increased.


The demise of the Broadcasting Disputes Resolution Panel, which, although
still in existence, has been questioned for its lack of independence given that
it falls directly under the LCA.


Media have allowed themselves to become tools for political parties.


The polarisation of the LCA and its sub-units.


The lack of donor funding for media programmes.

What kind of activities are needed over the next
three/four years?

The revival of MISA-Lesotho, the unions and other key media professional
bodies. The trade union can be housed within an existing organisation for at
least two or three years to give it time to grow and become effective.


The mobilisation of funds for local media organisations in the wake of the
withdrawal of donor funding.


The spearheading of media legal reform processes and the advocating for a
strong self-regulatory media.


Awarding journalists who excel to encourage good practices and excellence
in the media.

The panel discussion took place at the Roma Trading Post Lodge on
2-4 November 2018.



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