senior journalists, editors and management are men. Panellists viewed this as
ironic because in training institutions, the majority of students are women. This
was cited as evidence that women are not advancing in the media and remain
trapped in junior positions.
LGBTQI media workers are not visible in media houses; this, however, does not
demonstrate that they are not hired. Prospective employees are not asked about
their sexual orientation during interviews and in general, people in Lesotho do
not reveal their sexuality.
There is no evidence of discrimination based on religion, largely because Lesotho
is predominantly Christian; the problem lies in the denominationalism of the
country. There is a division between the Catholic and Protestant Churches – a
fact that also plays out in politics. One panellist shared that during the process
of applying for a position at a newspaper owned by an evangelical church, the
panellist was required to state their denomination and was promptly informed
that the position was reserved for evangelical members only. Another panellist
noted that Catholic media entities do not employ people who are not Catholic,
although the stories they cover emanate from all walks of life.
Disabled people in the newsrooms are few. Panellists agreed that there is
discrimination in Lesotho newsrooms based on disability, however it was
acknowledged that newsrooms might refrain from hiring disabled people
because of limited resources, for example, the lack of braille and accessible
There are no equal opportunities or sexual harassment policies in most of
Lesotho’s newsrooms. Panellists felt that sexual harassment is so rampant in
newsrooms that it has become normalised.

Individual scores:



Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator







Average score:

2.8 (2015: 2.8, 2012: 1.8, 2010: 4.2, 2008: n/a,
2006: n/a)

Overall Score for Sector 4:



Select target paragraph3