African Media Barometer
Tanzania 2015
Tanzania is undergoing significant legal change with the recent passage of two
laws - the Cybercrimes Act and the Statistics Act – which were rushed through the
Parliament early in 2015, although signed copies of the laws were still not publicly
available as at early June 2015. Other draft laws which are likely to negatively
impact the media environment, such as the Media Services Bill and the Access to
Information Bill, remain pending. In addition, a vote in a referendum on the draft
constitution, which was to take place following a two-year constitutional review
process, has been delayed indefinitely.
With presidential and parliamentary elections to be held in October 2015, a state
of uncertainty prevails in the country.
This AMB took place at a time of this uncertainty. Although the Cybercrimes Act
and the Statistics Act have not yet been gazetted and no regulations have been
published for their implementation, stakeholders have seen the earlier drafts of
these bills and there are serious concerns that their contents appear to reverse
years of progress on media freedom in Tanzania.
Currently, freedom of expression is guaranteed to all citizens in both constitutions
of Tanzania (1977) of Zanzibar (1984). Although Zanzibar is legally an autonomous
unit within the United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibari law is governed overall by
the 1977 Tanzanian constitution. But freedom of the media is not specifically
mentioned in either constitution.
Article 38 of the proposed draft constitution of September 2014 guarantees
freedom of expression while Article 39 also guarantees freedom of information
and the news media. But it is not certain when the new constitution will be
Tanzania has numerous laws that severely infringe upon this basic human right,
with more than 20 of them that curtail freedom of expression, including the
Newspaper Act (1976), the Penal Code (1945), the National Security Act (1970)
and the Public Service Act (1962).
However, the increased use of social media in recent years has provided a new
platform for journalists and members of civil society to express themselves more
freely on various issues.



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