Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.3 (2012 = 1.8; 2010 = 1.5; 2008 = 2.0;
2006 = 2.1)

4.7 Media professionals have access to training facilities offering formal qualification programmes as well
as opportunities to upgrade skills.
There has been a blossoming of media training institutions in Tanzania in
recent years, most of which are centred in the capital, Dar es Salaam. It is
more difficult to access similar training in rural areas. The School of Journalism
and Mass Communication at the University of Dar es Salaam, which offers
degree programmes for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Journalism, BA in Mass
Communication, BA in Public Relations and Advertising and Master of Arts
(MA) in Mass Communication. The Journalism and Media Studies Department
at the Open University in Zanzibar offers a BA in Journalism and a BA in Mass
Communication, as well as the post-graduate MA in Mass Communication and
MA in Journalism. The Open University has a number of branches across the
country and also offers certificate and diploma courses. The Kilimanjaro Film
Institute offers excellent training for camera people. Many institutions also offer
in-house training to media houses.
There are four other universities and many colleges in Tanzania that offer some
form of journalism training, fellowships and scholarships, and there are also
online courses. A handful of journalism schools have had their licences revoked
by the government for not offering credible training.
Some media houses, such as the Clouds Media Group or the publishers of
Mwananchi and The Citizen, encourage their staff to improve their qualifications
with further studying. The media house and the staff member each pay 50% of
the tuition costs.
“Not all media owners are willing to allow their staff to take time off work to
study full-or part-time.”



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