full-time journalists will earn at least Tsh800 000 a month. Other private media
houses pay Tsh350 000 for entry-level journalists, while full-time, experienced
journalists earn about Tsh1 million before deductions. Members of the press
working for private publications are also not always assured their pay, as it is
dependent on the capacity of consumers to buy the product.
Those working for state-run newspapers and broadcasters are at least assured of
their salary at the end of each month, as they work as civil servants. They have
security of employment and the option to take paid study leave to boost their
skills and qualifications.
The poor salaries and rarity of full-time employment for most journalists are a
result of media houses struggling to survive in a highly competitive environment
with a small advertising market and low circulation levels.
In terms of their safety, media houses generally do not provide journalists with
protection. Some investigative journalists are reported even to carry their own
firearms for self-defence purposes. The Tanzania Human Rights Defenders
Coalition reported that during 2014, 60 members of the press were harassed,
intimidated and mistreated, usually by law enforcement officials. In 2013, 20 such
incidents were reported. “The same people who are meant to protect them are
attacking them.”
Sexual harassment by colleagues or superiors in the workplace is also a common
occurrence for young female journalists. “Editors may not publish your article if
you don’t agree to their sexual demands… When you are dependent on your
income on someone who makes these kinds of demands, you are very vulnerable.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.2 (2012 = 1.8; 2010 = 2.5; 2008 = n/a;
2006 = n/a)

Select target paragraph3