However, because the chairman of the TCRA is appointed by the president, there
is a sense that it is not possible for the body to operate independently from the
state, with society’s interests, rather than those of the ruling party, at heart.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.2 (2012 = 3.5; 2010 = 3.4; 2008 = 2.8;
2006 = 3.0)

3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to the
public through an independent board which is representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open and transparent manner.
Legally there are no provisions to guarantee the independence of the two public
broadcasters: the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) and the Zanzibar
Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC). Because their boards are appointed by the state
through the President and the Minister of Information, they are not independent.
The chairmen of the Boards are appointed by the President but the criteria for
this appointment is not transparent and there is a strong suspicion that nepotism
and political favouritism are involved. The eight members of these boards are
appointed by the Minister of Information.
However, under the establishment of the government of national unity,
the President is from the ruling party and the Minister of Information is from
the opposition party, there is a sense that the TBC and the ZBC are not as
unaccountable to the public as many think and that there is actually some diversity
on the boards, with board members, “experts in their field”, being drawn from
academia, government and media institutions. “There are very few members
directly linked to political parties.”
But other panellists disagreed, saying that there is sufficient political influence in
the boards’ appointment to make them political bodies as all the TBC and ZBC



Select target paragraph3