Broadcasting regulation is transparent
and independent; the State broadcaster
is transformed into a truly public
3.1 Broadcasting legislation has been passed and is implemented that provides for a conducive environment
for public, commercial and community broadcasting.
The Broadcasting Services Acts of 1993 enabled the establishment of commercial
radio stations, while the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
Act of 2003 provided for the division of broadcasting services into public,
commercial and community broadcasters.
“The structure is there, but the implementation is problematic.”
In Tanzania, community broadcasters are not clearly defined and do not meet
the requirements of the African Charter on Broadcasting, in terms of being
community owned and controlled, with the community’s interests at heart. The
term ‘community broadcasters’ seem to refer to broadcasters with coverage only
within a specific geographical area – usually limited to a district.
In Tanzania, community radio stations are often owned by local government, while
community television stations are either owned by a faith-based organisation or
local government. Community based organisations struggle to source sufficient
funding to be involved in this sector.
In a way, the local government-run community broadcasters function as public
broadcasting should, at a community level, while the ‘public’ radio and television
stations, under TBC, are more state- than public-owned, with the ruling party’s
interests at heart.
“The former director general of the TBC Tido Mhando was very keen to transform
TBC into a truly public broadcaster, but his contract was not renewed. This
happened soon after the ruling party criticised TBC in 2010 for having made its
election candidates look bad. Religious stations, like the Catholic Charge Radio,
are registered as community stations, and have limited district coverage although
strictly they should be national in terms of their broad target. The Maasai radio
station, Orkonerei Radio, is not comparable to those targeting small, rural
communities but they are registered in the same way as those with a limited



Select target paragraph3