“Investigative journalism is almost buried in Tanzania, because the media laws are
so restrictive and because there is fear. Most people don’t have the guts to do
it… If those being investigated by a journalist don’t kill you, they’ll threaten to go
after your family.”
“When a story attacks top people in the government, it often won’t even surface.
The editor-in-chief will use self-censorship for fear of the personal repercussions
this may have.”
Nevertheless, there are still brave souls in the media fraternity. A number of big
corruption scandals have been broken by the local media, including the Tanzanian
energy/escrow scandal, after which senior government officials, including
Housing Minister Anna Tibaijuka and Attorney General Frederick Werema, were
forced to resign.
“Every day, these journalists put their lives on the line.”
The Tanzanian Media Fund was established 2008 specifically to assist journalists
to write investigative pieces on various topics, from corruption to maternal health.
Through this fund, reporters were also sent to rural areas to cover stories.
“When it comes to content, the electronic media has the biggest problem because
of the costs involved in producing content. Broadcasters also generally refuse to
pay for independent producers’ content and instead ask the producer to pay for it
to be aired. So the independent producer must find funds to produce the content
and broadcast it!”
Because of these high local production costs, many television broadcasters
purchase cheap content from other countries, such as telenovellas from South
America. As such, there is very little local content being broadcast.
Local TV stations do make some effort to broadcast local music, including the
popular ‘bongo flava’ (Tanzanian hip hop music).

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.9 (2012 = 3.3; 2010 = 3.2; 2008 = 2.3;
2006 = 3.1)



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