The legal structure within Tanzania also does not allow for the separation of state
entities. “Everything is connected: the Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC),
the Daily News, Habari Leo. Ministers can interfere in the operation of the stateowned media because there is no separation, no clear-cut law or policy to ensure
that these ‘public’ entities operate independently.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.8 (2012 = 2.3; 2010 = 1.9; 2008 = 1.8;
2006 = 2.4)

2.4 Transparency of ownership of media houses in
print/broadcasting is guaranteed by law and enforced.
The ownership of media houses is meant to be transparent although some
media owners find legal loopholes to circumvent this so they are not immediately
identified with a specific publication or broadcaster. This can be done by hiding
ownership under multiple companies or by hiding behind family members who
are listed as the owners.
Publications are required by law to register their ownership with the Registrar
of Newspapers, and this should be made public. Ultimately the owners can be
traced, however, through due diligence, which will ultimately reveal the names
of the directors.
The policy with broadcast media is stricter, through the TCRA, as greater
transparency is required with regards to the company’s directors.
“The print media falls under the Newspapers Act of 1976, which was a socially
oriented law, and the government is not well-versed in monitoring this ownership.
The electronic media, governed by the TCRA Act, is more robust and the state is
tasked with enforcing the transparency of ownership.”
“People generally know who owns what, although certain newspapers are clearly
party-political mouthpieces, but when you look into their ownership, an unknown
company is listed, not an individual.”



Select target paragraph3