The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
There is a wide choice of media, particularly print media, in Tanzania, but it is not
necessarily affordable to the majority of the population. Nevertheless, in the past
15 years there have been a lot of improvements in communication infrastructure,
transport and electrification, which have improved citizens’ access to broadcast
and print media, as well as mobile phone communication and the internet.
In June 2015, 854 newspapers, magazines and journals were registered with the
Registrar of Newspapers. The majority of these publications are privately owned.
The government owns four newspapers: Daily News, Habari Leo, Zanzibar Leo
and Sunday News. At an average cost of Tsh1 000 (US$0,44), newspapers are
out of reach for most of the 44.9 million citizens, 68% of whom live below the
international poverty line of US$1.25/day, according to Unicef statistics.
The long distances and poor road infrastructure in Tanzania also results in the
delay of newspapers reaching commercial centres timeously, while there are many
outlying areas that the print media never reaches at all.
“Even on Zanzibar, you won’t get the newspapers before noon, while in Kigoma
you are reading yesterday’s news.”
As an indication of the great distances involved, the far north-western parts of the
country are 1,800km away from the capital Dar es Salaam, which is 560km north
of Mtwara near the south-eastern border. The penetration of newspapers remains
low, with one possible reason being that “people living outside the capital cannot
relate to a Dar es Salaam newspaper”.
In an effort to address these shortfalls, Mwananchi set up a printing press in
Mwanza in 2014, from where the newspaper is distributed to the regions, instead
of only from Dar es Salaam. This means that newspapers take one to two days
to reach the far northern parts of the country, compared to the four or five days
previously. Mwananchi has also tried to improve accessibility by bringing out
different editions for rural areas.



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