Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.1 (2012 = 4.1; 2010 = 3.2; 2008 = 2.7;
2006 = 2.8)

1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful consultations among state institutions, citizens and interest groups.
The government has generally engaged media stakeholders in consultations
about pending media-related legislation. This includes public hearings to which
stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and other civil society bodies are
usually invited. Recently, however, particularly with the Access to Information Bill
and the Media Services Act, the input provided by the stakeholders was largely
ignored in the ensuing drafts. “Most laws evolve from consultations but, with it
being an election year, the government is tightening up on the media, especially.”
The meaningful participation of non-state stakeholders was highly questionable
with the passing in parliament of the Cybercrimes Act, the draft of which was
publicised online by the state for comment on a Sunday. This act was then rushed
through “in a matter of hours” under a certificate of urgency, before interest
groups and civil society had a chance to read the draft and provide any input.
“The government goes through the motions of appearing to consult citizens on
laws but often relevant people are not invited to provide input and it is not well
publicised by the state: you have to seek it yourself.”
Again, the Cybercrimes Act is a case in point, where the government apparently
conducted two meetings to discuss content of a draft bill, “but only state officials”
had been invited to attend.
“Government hit the media on many fronts. And they distracted us by passing
the Cybercrimes Act and the Statistics Act, while we were looking at the access to
information legislation and the pending Media Services Act.”



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