The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two /three years?
Positive developments
• Granting of new television and radio licences
• Repeal of Section 46 of the Penal Code
• Reduction of threats to the media under the new regime
• Appointment of press officers in each ministry, which should make
government more available to the media
• Repeal of 16,5 percent VAT on newspapers
• Declaration by President Banda that MBC will be opened up to opposition/
alternative viewpoints
• The successful lobby by the media for the amendment of the Civil
Procedure Act, which required government to be given three days’ notice
for getting an interdict against the state
• The introduction of two new media products: The Business Times and
• Revival of the investigative desk at The Nation
• General improvement of salaries and working conditions
• Supportive content-sharing initiative between private and community
radio stations
Negative developments
• Devaluation of the Kwacha
• Harassment of journalists during the past regime, including:
- the withdrawal of government advertising from The Nation;
- attacks on civil society organisations shortly before the collapse of
Mutharika’s government
- Capital Radio shut down
- Intimidation of journalists during press conferences.
• Integrating vocal and strong civil society activists and key media personnel
into the government
• Journalists expecting payment to cover stories and events; compromising
their ethical standards
• Dormancy of the Media Council of Malawi due to financial reasons
• The denial of information to the press with regard to the death of the
former president
• MACRA’s lack of transparency



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