Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2010 = 1.9; 2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

4.9 Media professionals have access to training facilitates offering formal qualification programmes as well
as opportunities to upgrade skills.
There are many institutions in Malawi which offer training in journalism and
media studies, to the point that the market is “flooded with qualified journalists,
with degrees or diplomas, even in the districts”.
Despite the improved access to media training in the past few years, there are
still working journalists at the state broadcaster who do not even have O levels/
matric. MBC offers fully-paid study leave to staff and in recent years journalists
have been taking up this offer. In previous years, journalists on the whole were
lax, but as the landscape is changing so is their outlook and there are journalists
from across the media sector who are starting to take an interest in upgrading
their skills.
Media training is offered by:
- The University of Malawi (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism)
- Malawi Polytechnic (diploma and certificate in Journalism, Bachelor of
Business in Communication: the latter degree was launched in 2011)
- Malawi Institute of Journalism (diploma and degree courses)
- Chancellor College (Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and
Culture, Bcahelor of Arts in Media Studies, and post-graduate masters
and doctorate programmes in Development Communication)
- Blantyre International University (Bachelor of Journalism)
- Shareworld (Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication)
- African Bible College (Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and
“The standards of these training institutions are generally sufficient to meet the
needs of the industry, but there is very poor training in terms of the management
of a media business.”



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