“There are now more female journalism students than males. This is the result of
a deliberate policy aimed at creating more of a 50-50 balance.”
There is not much religious diversity evident in the composition of newsroom
staff in general, with only a few Islamic journalists employed at Capital Radio, for
example. In addition, not many people with disabilities are employed by media
houses in Malawi.
“Training institutions do not accommodate people with disabilities: they do not
have the infrastructure for wheelchairs, for example.”
As the Equilisation Bill is currently being legislated, panellists noted that media
houses will have to start accommodating various groups to a greater degree.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.9 (2010 = 3.4; 2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

4.5 Journalists and editors do not practice self-censorship.
There was unanimous agreement that there is a considerable amount of selfcensorship in Malawi, within the state and the private media. Before Section
46 was repealed by Joyce Banda in May 2012, journalists and editors censored
themselves to a greater degree based on the threats inherent in this legislation,
as the Minister of Information was empowered to ban publications deemed to be
contrary to the public interest.
The laws on defamation and libel also encourage self-censorship, while editors
choose not to publish a certain story just to retain an advertiser or ask journalists
to tone down articles so as not to offend public figures.
“Some people in society – politicians, businessmen – are untouchable as they
have the financial muscle to take you to court.”



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