Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.3 (2010 = 2.4; 2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

3.8 The state/public broadcaster is technically accessible in the entire country.
MBC radio and TV is technically accessible throughout about 95 percent of the
country, when all the transmitters and related equipment are working optimally.
The five percent where the MBC radio or TV signal does not reach tends to be in
mountainous or border areas, especially along the border with Mozambique to
the south.
In reality, however, there are regular technical problems. If the power utility,
Eskom, has a problem with a specific transponder, for example, it can take up
to three weeks to repair, leaving sections of the country without access to the
state broadcaster. Technical problems on an MBC transmitter can take “days or
weeks” to rectify.
In addition, about 80 percent of Malawians live with limited services and only a
very small proportion of the population (seven percent according to the World
Bank 2012 statistics) have access to electricity, meaning that most citizens cannot
access MBC television, even if they live within the signal reach. Solar power is also
prohibitively expensive for most Malawians.
“The areas where the government is not popular are considered politically
sensitive areas, so they ensure that they have a signal there.”
The MBC is considering putting its content online. The state broadcaster, which
does not even have a website, has been talking about this for three years.
For those who can afford the additional equipment, MBC signals are also
available through a free-to-air satellite decoder and viewers as far flung as China
and Ethiopia have been watching and listening to the state broadcasters’ services.
This has been supported by the UN and is paid for by Treasury, at a monthly
hosting fee of US$1,000.



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