Mention was also made of a new K2.9 billion machine that the Malawi
Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is said to be considering
purchasing, apparently to ensure that companies offering SMS services are
operating as they should. Rumours are abounding that this machine will be able
to spy on all electronic communications.1

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.9 (2010 = 4.4; 2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

1.11 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
The Malawian chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (NAMISA) is the
most active media lobby group in Malawi on issues of media freedom. NAMISA
is often partnered by the Human Rights Consultative Committee - a civil society
organisation to lobby on media freedom issues such as the Access to Information
Campaign and issuing solidarity statements when journalists are arrested.
Panellists felt, however, that these lobby groups have not done enough to involve
the public in advancing the cause of media freedom.
In August 2012, just two days before the Malawi AMB was held, media owners
united to form a new organisation, in the form of a trust, called the Association
of Media Owners (AMO). The agenda of AMO is to broadly, “act as a catalyst for
change in promoting social transformation for economic growth and democracy
in Malawi”.
It also intends to ensure the sustainability of the country’s media, and to strengthen
and revive the self-regulatory Media Council of Malawi, which promotes media
ethics within the industry, in order to prevent the state from setting up a similar,
statutory body.



At the time of going to print, the Malawi government, led by President Banda, had proposed a new electronic
communications bill, dubbed the E-Bill, which could pose serious threats to freedom of Expression in cyberspace.


Select target paragraph3