Message from the Chairperson
of the Trust FundS Board

Message from the ChaiRperson of the
Regional Governing Council



he year 2013, being the final year of MISA’s
Third Strategic Partnership Programme
(SPPIII), was a year of introspection,
consultation and planning – both internally
within MISA’s structures, as well as with our long
and trusted development partners.

MISA undertook other projects during the year
funded by Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa
(OSISA), Save the Children, Privacy International
and the African Capacity Building Foundation
(ACBF). Details of these projects are provided in
this annual report.

Despite being affirmed as the leading advocate for
media freedom, freedom of expression and access
to information in southern Africa following a regional
impact assessment of development support to
media development in southern Africa over the
last 20 years, MISA cannot become complacent
– certainly not when there is ample evidence that
media freedom is increasingly under threat in our

MISA - EU Engagement


Some changes to MISA governance were also
effected resulting in the constitution of the AGM
being a meeting of its national chapters as its
members, with each national chapter having one
To re-align its structures, the term of office of TFB
members was reduced to 3 years, renewable only
once. A TFB members’ retirement process has
already been agreed that will see long-standing
members retiring at the end of this year. These
trustees will be replaced through an appointment
process involving recommendations by the RGC.

Financial Performance & Operations

The total grant income of the MISA Trust for
2013 was USD1,833,071 with the basket funders
namely the governments of Denmark, Norway and
Sweden contributing USD 1,371, 418 constituting
74.82% of the grant Income. The access to donor
funding continues to pose challenges as the effects
of economic recession that affected the world
economy in the last 5 years are now being felt in
Africa and Asia. The total expenditure for the period
under review was USD1,731,936 that resulted in the
MISA Trust realising a net surplus of USD112,075.
The effective use of the budgetary monitoring
system helped management to keep costs within

During 2013 the EU instituted an audit of a grant
implemented by MISA between April 2008 to
March 2011.This grant had contributed 24,9%
to the overall budget of MISA’s Second Strategic
Partnership Programme (SPPII) which concluded
in December 2010. Based on the outcome of the
audit it immediately became apparent that MISA
had erroneously treated - and accounted for - the
grant as budget support, while the EU expected
MISA to follow the agreed grant budget. The TFB
and regional secretariat then engaged both the EU
Delegation in Namibia and the EU Commission
in Brussels in its attempts to resolve this matter,
leading the EU to institute a full audit of the grant
during August 2014. At the time of this report, MISA
is still awaiting the outcome of the full audit, which
will lead to further engagements with the EU.
Needless to say, the matter has had a debilitating
effect on the organisation as a whole and, if taken
on board along with the changing dynamics in
the media development assistance environment,
will certainly require MISA to change its modus
operandi in the region.

Looking Ahead

While the last few years have been quite challenging,
the future looks more promising.
Having undergone serious introspection the MISA
TFB is ready to lead the institutional transformation
that is required to secure the future of MISA as a
relevant, effective and efficient organisation.

reedom of expression and media freedom
remain under threat in southern Africa: the
media alerts issued by MISA during 2013
are indicative of the restrictive and stifling
atmosphere impacting on the media. MISA will
continue to lobby and advocate for an improved
media environment by engaging stakeholders,
governments and legislators to ensure that citizens’
right to media freedom, freedom of expression and
access to information are protected and respected.
MISA will intensify advocacy and constitutional
reforms, media policy and law reforms. MISA will
continue to promote public broadcasting and
community media models throughout the region,
while garnering support to provide capacity to such
ventures and support their sustainability.

Governance Reforms

Governance reforms within MISA have been
implemented at a rapid rate, with Constitutional
amendments effected in 2010 and again in 2012.
These changes have been slow to take effect
within the Regional Governing Council, with the
election of the new Regional Chairperson and
Deputy Chairperson only taking place in 2012.
The Treasurer was co-opted in 2013. Nonetheless,
elected officials were keen to assume their positions
and serve the organization.

Galvanising MISA’s members

MISA is a membership-driven organization and the
seeming inactivity of members in some chapters
and dwindling membership numbers in other
countries are causes for concern to MISA. There
has been a lull in membership in the last few years
and this is a challenge that MISA must address
through the National Governing Councils.
In conclusion, tribute should be paid to staff at the
Regional Secretariat and National Chapters who
have worked tirelessly and under difficult conditions
in the pursuit of fulfilling MISA’s obligations, belief
and values. May the values and beliefs we share as
a family be the guiding principles that drive MISA
into the future
Anthony Kasunda
MISA Regional Governing Council

Facing Chapter Challenges

The RGC is mindful of the capacity deficiencies
of some MISA Chapters. Interventions have been
necessary in Angola, Mozambique, Namibia,
Swaziland and South Africa to deal with issues such
as financial sustainability, activity implementation
and governance performance. In Tanzania, MISA
Governors and Trustees had to address issues
such as financial accountability and governance

Luckson A Chipare
MISA Trust Funds Board (TFB)

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