FINANCIAL REPORTS Statement of Comprehensive Income 2013 N$ US$ US$ 9 13, 174, 046 1, 371, 418 12, 753, 160 1, 465, 338 Other Grants 9 4, 434, 710 461, 653 1, 842, 811 211, 739 Finance Income 9 4, 542 473 3, 679 423 Other Income 100, 549 10, 467 1, 286, 289 147,795 Total Income 17, 713, 847 1, 844, 011 15, 885, 938 1, 825, 294 Accommodation & Per Diems 1, 950, 700 203, 068 696, 209 79, 994 Advertising 92, 569 9, 636 34, 573 3, 972 557, 236 Audit Fess 111, 600 11, 618 172, 060 19, 770 557, 236 Children and the Media 45, 750 4, 763 - Computer Expenses 100, 073 10, 418 188, 246 21, 630 US$ EXPENDITURE ASSESTS Non Current Assets Property, plan and equipment N$ Basket Funding 2012 N$ US$ INCOME Statement of Financial Position 2013 2012 N$ 2 4, 684, 046 4, 684, 046 445, 921 445, 921 4, 655, 271 4, 655, 271 - Conference / Workshops and Seminars 283, 845 29, 548 109, 538 12, 586 Current Assets Consulting Fees 659, 496 68, 653 432, 584 49, 704 Accounts Receivable Depreciation 41, 085 4, 277 36, 883 4, 238 Distribution / Freights & Postage 108, 343 11, 279 133, 550 15, 345 Grant Fund Un-utilise - - 238, 487 27, 402 Insurance 48, 115 5, 009 50, 171 5, 765 Interest Paid 91, 728 9, 549 87, 588 10, 064 Motor Vehicle Running Expenses 11, 131 1, 159 18, 833 2, 164 Office Running Expenses 153, 414 15, 970 158, 547 18, 217 Cash and Cash Equivalents 3 4 Total Assets 69, 738 6, 639 92, 130 11, 028 1, 115, 411 106, 187 5, 352, 547 640, 700 1,185, 149 112, 826 5, 444, 677 651, 728 5, 869, 195 558, 747 10, 099, 947 1, 208, 964 Printing & Stationery 175, 305 18, 249 206, 758 23, 756 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Right to Information Campaign 20, 596 2, 144 - - Funds and Reserves Staff Costs 4, 005, 913 417, 016 3, 741, 942 429, 949 Scholarships and Attachments 12, 569 1, 308 30, 295 3, 481 Security 22, 844 2, 378 18, 185 2, 089 Retained Gain / (Loss) Capital Reserves 5 272, 792 25, 970 (803, 819) (96, 217) 4, 143, 039 394, 417 4, 143, 039 495, 922 Subscription / Membership Fees 40, 666 4, 233 185, 562 21, 321 4, 415, 831 420, 387 3, 339, 220 399, 705 Telephone, Fax and Internet 195, 148 20, 315 196, 341 22, 560 TFB & RGC Boardsitting Allowance 52, 683 5, 484 18, 950 2, 177 Travel 1, 540, 504 160, 366 663, 553 76, 242 Water & Electricity 68, 208 7, 100 61, 315 7, 045 573, 840 MISA Angola - - - - 573, 840 MISA Botswana 970, 085 100, 986 950, 449 109, 207 MISA Lesotho 1, 051, 074 109, 417 1, 029, 203 118, 255 MISA Malawi 666, 616 69, 395 838, 930 96, 393 MISA Mozambique - - - - MISA Namibia 315, 397 32, 833 469, 289 53, 921 MISA South Africa - - - - MISA Swaziland 715, 558 74, 490 916, 350 105, 289 Non Current Liabilities Deferred Revenue 6 843, 454 843, 454 80, 297 80, 297 4, 793, 984 4, 793, 984 Current Liabilities Bank Overdraft 4 47, 004 4, 474 13, 988 1, 674 Accounts Payable 7 2, 751 262 1, 049, 695 125, 648 Provisions 8 560, 155 53, 327 903, 060 108, 096 MISA Tanzania 971, 970 101, 182 1, 074, 187 123, 424 235, 419 MISA Zambia 798, 090 83, 081 674, 235 77, 470 MISA Zimbabwe 1, 316, 161 137, 012 1, 416, 412 162, 746 Total Expenditure 16, 637, 236 1, 731, 936 14, 849, 225 1, 706, 176 Surplus for the year 1, 076, 611 112, 075 1, 036, 713 119, 118 609, 910 Total Equity and Liabilities 44 5, 869, 195 58, 063 558, 747 1, 966, 743 10, 099, 947 1, 208, 964 45