‘There has been a marked departure from the previous militant approach of
the government.’ The government has now committed itself to an open media
environment, which they have linked to economic growth. ‘The media industry is
a yardstick of the economy – it can’t survive in a dying economy.’
One popular government strategy is to place advertisements – such as the
congratulatory birthday messages for the President and other dignitaries – in the
various media . These adverts will often be placed in newspapers favoured by the
state, rather than the more independent papers.
However, it was pointed out that these government advertising supplements are
often projects initiated by newspapers themselves as a “money making scheme”,
rather than by government.
Additionally, at times, opinion pieces by government public relations officers
writing ‘in their personal capacity’ are published in newspapers.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:



✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


2006: 1; 2008: 2.3; 2010: 1; 2012: 4; 2015: 3.3

2.13 The size of the advertising market can support a
diversity of media outlets
Currently the media industry is in a dire situation. ‘It’s a dog eat dog environment
where we are competing for a very small cake.’ Therefore, journalists make several
compromises in terms of the stories that they publish, for fear of treading on the
toes of the big advertisers. One investigative story which was published about
a leading bank, for example, resulted in the bank withdrawing all advertising in
the publication for six months.
Even the ZBC has complained that although ministries advertise, they don’t pay.
The small advertising industry is controlled by a few players, and there is also
a political aspect in that ZANU-PF has been using advertising agencies to help
organise political events. Media coverage of these events then takes precedence
over stories.
Media houses are not transparent with regard to their circulation, although a
company called ADMark releases some information on advertising spend.



Select target paragraph3