2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is
accessible and affordable to the public
Information is generally accessible, but whether it is affordable is debatable –
especially in terms of broadcasting and the internet.
There is also the important issue of language. The constitution recognises 16
languages, but everything is mainstreamed in English and, to a lesser extent,
Ndebele/Shona. Other languages (including braille and sign language) are sidelined.
In print media, there has been an increase in what has come to be known as the
“highway newspaper” – one which is dropped strategically along the highways,
but are not distributed further, because of the difficulties of obtaining fuel for
New titles such as Business Times and Business Connect have been launched; but
generally, copy sales have gone down due to the challenges of affordability in a
difficult economy. Readers have to ask the question, ‘Do I buy this newspaper for
$15, or do I buy bread?’
Older readers still like the printed publications, but can’t afford them; and
‘millennials just don’t read newspapers.’ There is also a lack of cash in circulation,
and newspapers still rely on cash sales.
Ironically, soon after midnight, newspaper content is available on the websites
of their respective media houses, even before the publication has appeared on
the streets. Internet penetration is 62% but 83% have access through mobile
phones (mainly using apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook). Internet costs are
high. 1 GB data costs approximately ZWL190 (US$11.10).
There has been a proliferation of private radio stations since 2015, with new
stations such as Classic 263, Skyz Metro FM and Breeze FM. However, there
aren’t any truly independent radio stations, and most have ties to the ruling party
and dominant media houses. ‘These are cronies of people in the establishment.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:



✓ ✓


✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


2006: 1.3; 2008: 2.3; 2010: 2.1; 2012: 2.9; 2015: 3.2


Select target paragraph3