1.6 Confidential sources of information are protected
by law and/or the courts
There is a constitutional provision on the protection of the confidentiality of
journalists’ sources of information (section 61.2). In addition, the Interception
of Communications Act stresses that communications are private and that
interception of such, outside the framework of the Act, is illegal.
Despite suspicions that the illegal interception of communications is taking place,
there have been no recorded cases of people being prosecuted for this.
One case against an online publication was labelled by the courts as “commercial
bullying”, after a rival company sought to obtain commercial information. ‘It was
a case of twisting the law for commercial reasons.’
There was also a case in which Trevor Ncube, who had written about an issue
before it had been presented to parliament, was summoned to appear before a
Parliamentary Portfolio committee and forced to reveal his source. Even under
the new constitution, this committee can be convened as a court and has similar

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:



✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓


2006: 1; 2008: 1.2; 2010: 1.4; 2012: 3; 2015: 4

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to the public
Access to public information is guaranteed both in the constitution and the
AIPPA Act. The new Access to Information Bill, which looks at public and private
information, provides for the creation of information officer positions, along with
clear information access procedures.
However, the current ease of access to certain information is debatable. It
involves ‘a lot of hoops to jump over’, and public officials feel they can withhold
information by using the Official Secrets Act as an excuse.
There is also the problem of declassification of information. Forty years after the
war, there is still material that cannot be accessed.



Select target paragraph3