4.8 Equal opportunities regardless of race or ethnicity,
social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and age
are promoted in media houses.
In terms of ethnicity, Lesotho is not very diverse, and is made up almost entirely–
over 99 percent – of the Basotho people. As such, ethnic diversity is a “nonissue”.
With regards to sex, the proportion of men and women represented in the
organisational structure differs from one media house to the next. At Lesotho
TV and Lesotho Times, for example, decision-making positions are held mostly by
men. Even where the numbers are a little more equal, however, often men are
sent on certain stories, “and the women are only considered when those men
come back empty-handed.”
In terms of sexual orientation, however, “we don’t see people from the LGBTI
community” participating as media practitioners.
With respect to providing equal opportunities to people with disabilities, media
houses in Lesotho appear to be non-discriminatory, and panellists easily cited
examples. Mo’Afrika, for example, employs three people with disabilities, Radio
Molisa ea Molemo employs one, and Lesotho Times has an award-winning
photographer with a disability in its employ.
In terms of religious diversity, most media houses are not picky (90 percent of
Basotho identify as Christian). However, there are stations that are established
along religious lines that only employ people from that religious perspective.
Radio Molisa ea Molemo – a Christian radio station – is a case in point in this
Age-wise, the media fraternity has lost a number of senior journalists, and
lacks seasoned media professionals “who are able to transfer skills to younger
journalists.” One panellist noted that “there is a new crop of young journalists
who are simply craving celebrity”, while another lamented that, “these young
ones are just out of order.” However, opportunities are open to all, and there has
been no known instance of age discrimination.
“My boss always says that as long as someone is productive and delivering, he/
she should be given a chance.”
MoAfrika has hired an older, seasoned journalist from Lesotho Radio to assist in
the training of younger journalists.



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