4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/nonstatutory bodies that deal with complaints from
the public.
In the print sector, there is no formal complaints mechanism, and aside from the
voluntary (regional) MISA media code of ethics, there is no set of professional
standards to which the media adhere. Moreover, most media houses do not have
in-house editorial policies, leaving professionalism and ethics to the discretion of
individual journalists.
The Editors Forum has sent a proposal to UNESCO to establish a self regulatory
body made up of a Media Ombudsman and a Media Council, but a response on
this is still pending. MISA has made a commitment to fast-track media policies.
In the broadcast sector, the Broadcasting Disputes Resolution Panel was set up in
July 2013 within the scope of the Communications’ Act of 2012 to, amongst other
things, “review and seek to resolve all disputes regarding broadcast content”. The
Panel is made up of 5 members, appointed by the Minister. (Currently, the Panel
only has three members, as one recently became a Member of Parliament, and
another passed away).
To date, the Panel has dealt with no more than 20 complaints since its establishment.
The public is, generally, well aware of this complaints mechanism. A notable
challenge for the Panel is that the filing procedure for complaints is difficult and
tedious; and oftentimes, the only recourse for the complainant is a right of reply.
The Panel is also tasked with preparing a broadcasting code of conduct to update/
replace the current broadcasting rules, but nothing has been done on this yet.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.2 (2012 = 1.4; 2010 = 1.6; 2008 = 1.1;
2006 = 1.0)

Select target paragraph3