Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.8 (2012 = 4.4; 2010 = 1.1; 2008 = 2.0;
2006 = 2.1)

3.2 Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body
that is adequately protected by law against interference and whose board is not dominated by any particular political party and is appointed – in an open way
– involving civil society and not dominated by any particular political party.
Broadcasting is regulated by the Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) – as
established by the Lesotho Communications Act of 2000 and perpetuated by the
2012 Act – which, in theory, is supposed to be “independent and not subject to
control by any person or authority”.
However, the appointment of the LCA Board’s members – comprising a chairperson
and five other members – is left to the Minister responsible for communications.
Although the Act provides for an open process in terms of applications to the
Board in that “prior to making an appointment to the Board, the Minister shall
cause to be published, in a manner calculated to be readily accessible to potential
candidates, an invitation to submit recommendations or expressions of interest
for appointment”, the Minister has the final say, and does not have to explain
his/her selection. It is also at the Minister’s complete discretion to reappoint a
member for an additional term.
The Act does not provide for civil society involvement in the appointment of
board members. Furthermore, although the Act states that Board members
should “represent a diverse range of relevant professional skills, experience and
views relevant to the communications sector”, it doesn’t make specific mention
of having a civil society representative amongst those appointed.
“You find that members are appointed, without applying, and you question what
qualifications they have.”



Select target paragraph3