Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.0 (2012 = 1.5; 2010 = 1.2; 2008 = 1.0;
2006 = 1.6)

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens.
Section 14 of the Constitution speaks to each citizens right to “receive ideas and
information without interference”, but it does not speak directly to the access of
public information.
Lesotho has no Access to Information law, although the Law Reform Commission
drafted an Access to and Receipt of Information Bill in 2002 that was not tabled
in Parliament.
Accessing public information is difficult for both citizens and the media. “Even
simple information is hard to get.” “We have information officers in different
ministries; but why do we have them if, when we need to get information, they
ask us to write letters to the CEO to provide them with permission?”
“They are there, but they are inactive.”
Panellists noted that in the Ministry of Public Service’s Information Dissemination
Strategy, only Principal Secretaries may provide authorisation for information
disclosure to the public. “So even in the Bill there are limitations. Information
officers can’t freely provide information.”
A media practitioner on the panel noted an example, whereby an interview was
conducted with a Senior Education Officer in a district, where, after the Junior
Certificate exams, it had been discovered that some exam papers had been leaked
and some children had cheated. The Officer provided extensive information during
the interview such as the names of the schools implicated, and so forth. However,
before the story could be publicised, she called and asked for a retraction, fearing
that she would face negative consequences for speaking to the media. “Even the
Principal Secretary can’t go on air without consulting the Minister.”



Select target paragraph3