bercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill, which
is currently in its third draft. On paper,
these policies are aimed at fighting cybercrime in Zimbabwe in a manner
which also purports to promote fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.
For example, the main focus of the Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Bill was to
consolidate cyber-related offences with
due regard to the Constitution’s Declaration of Rights as well as the public and
national interest. Furthermore, the Cybersecurity Committee to be established
once this draft Bill was gazetted into
law, was mandated to produce annual
reports on how national cybersecurity
initiatives/activities impact on fundamental rights such as the right to privacy
and freedom of expression.
However, as Zimbabwe inched closer
to the 2018 general elections, a gap
was emerging between the proposed
cybersecurity policies and the government’s actual intentions. One example
of this discrepancy came in the wake of
remarks by presidential spokesperson
George Charamba in clarifying the role
of the ministry on 10 October 2017.
Charamba was quoted saying:
… ndiyo riva redu kubata makonzo
aya anoita mischief using cyber
space [this is the trap to catch mischievous mice]...This is coming
against the background of the abuse
that we saw not too far back on social media, where the social media
then causes some kind of excitement
to the country, not on the basis of
fact, but generation of copy which is
in fact calculated to trigger a sense of
panic in the economy, and that in itself suggests that it is indeed a major
threat to State security.


So This is Democracy? 2017

Charamba also revealed how former
president Mugabe had drawn lessons
on controlling cyberspace from countries such as Russia, China and “the
Koreans.” This was a chilling admission
given the notoriety of the three countries
for clamping down on online rights and
freedoms, with China going as far as
setting up its own parallel internet network separate from that of the rest of the
While officially opening the Nkulumane
Community Information Centre in Bulawayo on 4 November 2017 President
Mugabe said:
We have set up the Cyber Security
Ministry to build our own cyber systems to defend ourselves from cybercrime. We are aware that there
are some people who use the internet to fight us and implement what
they say is regime change.
This is not a first, actually some nations are at an advanced stage in
controlling this social media, which
is why we thought that Minister Chinamasa as a lawyer can help in controlling our cyber space.
In revealing the dual purpose of the
Ministry of Cybersecurity in preventing
abuse of social media and protecting the
State’s interests, there was no reference
to the actual cyber crimes or cyber security threats faced by Zimbabwe.
Summarily, these remarks escalated free
expression on social media to a cybersecurity threat which government took
seriously enough to warrant the creation
of the responsible ministry.
Martha O’Donovan, an American citizen working with Magamba Network
Trust, a social media network, was in

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